Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Col 1:27)

Author: Jean Wontor

Grow Show Know

Everything in our spiritual development isn’t up to God.  Is that something you already knew?  It is our responsibility to grow up spiritually on the Word of God.  As a baby we aren’t expected to know much.  A baby can tell when he/she is hungry and cries out for food.  Spiritually we also know when we are in need of food.  Oftentimes we sense an inner emptiness or a dryness that only can be satisfied with the Word of God.  I remember being so hungry when I first gave my life to Jesus I could hardly wait for my time of Bible reading.  I would sit for hours reading just to absorb what God had to say.  There were times I would get so excited I had to share my revelation/insight with those who would listen.  It’s like it had to bust out.

God would show me things.  The more I read the more connections I would see between different books of the Bible. A word would often trigger my thoughts to something I had read elsewhere.  It was like a tapestry being revealed in my spirit.  I trusted a living God would talk to me.  He knew just what I needed to hear and was more than able to show me where to look.  Someone suggested to me to underline scriptures so I could go back and remember what God had said. My Bible became my textbook.  I underlined, highlighted, wrote thoughts, connected Bible verses and became totally convinced if I could have only one thing as a possession in my life it would be my Bible.  It had everything I ever needed.  My Bible had God’s words/thoughts written down for me to read and study.

As we mature in God, there comes a time (in fact many times) when you need to press into what you know.  When I’m talking know, it’s not what we know in our head but what we know in our heart.  These are the things that we know that we know; things unshakeable no matter what.  Life will have challenges.  As silly as this might sound, I was kind of surprised to discover that.  I somehow got the idea I would be exempt from sickness, disease, poverty, lack, relationship challenges – oh, you get the idea.  But we are not exempt.  God’s promises carry us through those times.  Psalms 23:4 says we walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death.  As children of God, it’s our responsibility to take the word of God and attack the problem. We become the TRUTH enforcement officer by saying.  Just like Jesus, we declare “it is written.”  If sickness comes our way we boldly say NO sickness – “By Jesus’s stripes I was healed.”  “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” “On the authority of God’s Word you have to leave.”

Whatever the need, the Word of God has the solution.  I trust most of you reading this post will have already discovered the importance of spending time in the Word of God, but if you haven’t today is a good day to change that!

Shut The Front Door!

As I sit down to share insight and revelation with you today I am reminded of a simple but profound statement the Lord shared with me during a health challenge I faced a number of years ago.  When facing something that could be life threatening it’s easy to retreat into thinking about all the negative possibilities.  If you are facing an uncertain challenge in any area of your life right now, you are at the door of decision.  Are you going to turn to God or turn away from God?  No one can make that decision for you. 

I decided to press into God.  For most of you reading this post, I trust you will understand when I say God seemed distant at that moment in time.  I needed to remind myself that He promised to never leave me or forsake me [Heb 13:5; NKJV].  It didn’t matter how I felt, God promised and He doesn’t lie.  I needed to know what to do.  Being a teacher, I think of things in a linear fashion; step 1, 2, 3, etc.  So what I am about to share is the beginning of my healing journey.  It’s what God showed me.  I caution each of you to press into your own personal journey.  We may have similar experiences but always remember God knows just what each of us needs and how to get it to us.

The challenge presented itself!  My response:

Step 1:  Draw near to God and He will draw near to you [James 4:8; NKJV].  Remind yourself that He will never leave you or forsake you. If other thoughts try to take your attention off that TRUTH, refuse to believe them. 

Step 2:  Our God is a living God.  Living means communication.  Get it settled that God will guide you into the truth.  He has THE way of deliverance and wants us to experience His salvation.  God is not trying to hold things back from us.  He is trying to get things to us.

Step 3:  Turn off distractions and focus on hearing from God.  For me, this meant creating a God atmosphere.  Saturate the atmosphere with praise and worship music.  Sing and worship to Him not because of what He could give me but because He is worthy of my praise [2 Samuel 2:24; NKJV].  Turn my focus to Heaven to be in His presence.

Step 4:  In prayer ask Him for wisdom and be willing to do what He says.

And then God said “Shut the front door.” [James 4:7; NKJV]  In an instant I knew I had allowed the enemy access into my life at his will because I harbored anger and unforgiveness.  I saw the specific people I needed to forgive.  I was again at a decision point.  Was I willing to shut the front door on the enemy’s access so God could intervene on my behalf?  I was!

So today you may be facing a challenge that needs a God solution.  Whatever you need to get settled, get it settled.  In your time of trouble turn to God not away from God.  Trust He will guide you into the truth [John 16:13; NKJV] you need for this moment in time.  And I highly recommend if He tells you to do something, do it.  It is time to shut the front door on the enemy.

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